Name |
Issoufou |
Country | BURKINA FASO |
Year / month of graduation | March 2019 |
Degree obtained | M.A in international development and cooperation |
Position / organization as of March 2021 |
Education specialist / Save the Children Burkina Faso |
This article was written in March 2021.
Why did you choose Japan, and Hiroshima university for your study?
I attended a 45-days professional co-creation program in Okinawa in 2015. During this training, we learned a lot about the history of Japan. I understood that Japanese economic development came from the quality of human resources. I tried to find out more about Japan’s performance in international tests (PISA, TIMSS etc.). I then realized that Japan was among the top performers in education. So as a professional of education, I was interested in studying in Japan. I started to gather information about studying in Japan. After talking to my trainers in Okinawa I learned that Hiroshima University was one of the best Universities in the field of education in Japan.

Then I applied through the ABE initiative program for Hiroshima University as first choice.
What did you learn and study at Hiroshima university?
I was in Hirakawa Sensei’s lab (former IDEC faculty), which was touching upon planning for international development. Basically, it was operating in the field of comparative education. Its research was mainly focusing determining the similarities and differences between the education systems of top performers from developed countries and developing countries. School dropouts, learning achievements and community participation were the main areas of interest of this lab. As far as I am concerned, I conducted research on school dropouts and achievements. To conduct these types of research, I have learned to conduct analyze data using SPSS and Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM). In course of my Master’s thesis, I conducted a multilevel analysis using HLM. My research was intitled: Factors influencing dropping out in primary education in Burkina Faso: a multilevel analysis. The aim of this study was to determine the determinants of school dropout in Burkina Faso in order to enable planners to take action. I learned how to disseminate research findings at international conferences. I also learned a lot about the process of writing, editing, and publishing articles in international journals.
Did you enjoy your stay in Hiroshima?
Apart from the few moments of nostalgia due to family separation, overall my stay in Hiroshima was very pleasant. At the university level, living in a so highly multicultural environment was a unique and very enriching experience for me. The administrative and pedagogical organization at IDEC allowed me to have a very pleasant and efficient academic experience. The most important element was certainly the pleasant moments I had with my host family. Indeed, this family has always found time to take me away from the stress of student life to discover the wonders of this beautiful country. I attended some cultural events (Kagura performance), Sight-seeing (Samurai Museum, Hiroshima peace memorial, Rabbit island etc.), Japanese gastronomy etc..
Please tell us your current work. Does what you learned or studied at Hiroshima university help you?
I am currently working with Save the Children International (SCI) as an education specialist to deploy some Education in Emergency programming in the crisis affected areas of Burkina Faso. It worth mentioning that, due to repeated attacks of some armed groups, the education system has been severely affected in 6 regions of Burkina Faso. As a result, many internally displaced children do not have access to, or are striving to access to basic education. SCI and many other humanitarian organizations are accompanying the MoE to respond the nutrition, protection and education needs of children and young people in these regions.

As part of the department of education, my role within SCI is to contribute to proposal writings, Plan SCI interventions in education in emergency context, support project staff, contribute to informed decision making, collect and analyze data etc. My studies in Hiroshima have sufficiently prepared me to take on these responsibilities. As a matter of facts, proposal writings are basically an evidence-based process, which supposes collecting and presenting data in a scientific and methodical way. Conducting research during my studies at Hiroshima University equipped me with the competences needed to assure this. In addition to this, as a specialist I provide strategical counselling to my line managers. For this this, I have to collect and analyze data to support decision making. In order to plan a better humanitarian response, we often conduct situational analysis which requires research skills. Finally, the courses on project cycle management ( YPPCIO Program) and project evaluation in education proved to be very helpful in that they provided me with the relevant background knowledge for an effective project cycle management .
Do you recommend Hiroshima university for others to choose?
Naturally I can’t wait recommending Hiroshima University as a first choice for any students I come accross. I sincerely believe that Hiroshima University is the place to be. Its particularity is that it offers an opportunity to dive in a multicultural environment. This is key in that it favors the setting up of a huge network of professionals coming from different horizons, backgrounds and specialties with a common ideal: international development. Hiroshima University, especially IDEC has a course syllabus which also promote a global expertise in an interdisciplinary vision. It is an innovative and futuristic vision that is in line with the new trends in resolving of social, economic and environmental issues: think globally and act locally.