The list of titles of doctor student’s dissertation in 2022 Japanese Fiscal Year

The list of titles of doctor student’s dissertation in 2022 Japanese Fiscal Year

Graduated in September 2022

Name Title
NOVTRYANANDA MARYANTI STEFANI GHUNU Remote Area Teacher’s Professional Development in Thematic Curriculum Implementation: Case Study at East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
日下 智志 Research on Sociocultural Aspect of Mathematics Curriculum Development: A Case of Mozambique National Curriculum
SOEUNG SOPHA Factors Influencing Engagement of Private Tutoring at Cambodian Upper Secondary Schools
SISAVATH SOUBIN A Study of Employability of Foreign-Educated Graduates in Lao PDR


Graduated in March 2023

Name Title
飛田 麻也香 イスラエルにおける共生社会実現に向けたNGO諸団体の教育活動―ユダヤ人とパレスチナ・アラブ人の接触・非接触に着目して―
SUHENDRI Effectiveness of In-on-in Professional Development in Inclusive Education for Inclusive Kindergarten Principals in Indonesia
黒川 智恵美 頭脳流出・流入と母国への貢献意識に関する研究-エジプトと日本におけるスーダン人高度人材の「スーダニーズネス」に着目して-
SAR MONYRATH Factor affecting Cambodian Upper Secondary School Female Students’ Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Careers Choice
廖 琳 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者における「テ形」の誤用に関する研究-動詞を中心に-

(*)In April 2020, the International Education Development Program was newly established based on the Educational Development course in the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation. The above titles include the former courses.