The list of titles of master student’s thesis in 2022 Japanese Fiscal Year

The list of titles of master student’s thesis in 2022 Japanese Fiscal Year

Graduated in September 2022

Name Title
MOUACHONGTOUA NOUANEINDAO Perceptions of Student-Centered Learning in Teacher Training College in Laos
CHHEANG SOPHEA Investigating Cambodian Student Teachers’ Misconceptions about Acids and Bases:A Case of Teacher Education Colleges
SAW STEVEN Effects of Parental Involvement on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students:A Case from Myanmar
THY SOPHORN Cambodian Kindergarten Teachers’ Knowledge of Autism and Their Perception of Play-Based Activities for Students with Autism in Special Classrooms
KHANTHAVYSOUK NINTHALA Primary School Students Teachers’ Preparation for Teaching Multi-grade Classes in Laos:A Mixed-methods Study
LANG BORATH The Effect of Lesson Study on Lesson Planning Skills:A Case of Training Workshop for Improving Primary Mathematics Teaching in Cambodia
ITH CHANTHOEUN Teachers’ Knowledge and Perception in Implementing Critical Thinking Practice in Social Studies:A Study of Lower Secondary Schools in Battambang Province,Cambodia
CHAP SEREIRATANA A Study on Pre-service Teachers’ Misconceptions on the Topic of “the Factor Affecting the Rate of Reaction” in Cambodia
梁 志桉 Case Study of the International Learning Experience from Overseas Double Degree Programmes in Japanese Universities
KIM PHENG The Improvement of Social Studies Textbook for Child-centered Approach in Lower Secondary Schools: A Case Study in Kampong Chhnang Province, Cambodia
LAY VICHARA Individual-and School-Level Factors Influencing Student Performance in Cambodia
安部 喜敬 ザンビア児童の Numeracy に関する研究-小数の表現に着目して-
SENG NOL Advanced ICT Education in Cambodia: A Study of Teacher Education Colleges on Perception of Digital Citizenship and ICT Integration in Education
KHIN AYE CHAN THEIN Exploring Relationships between Parenting Styles, Home Environment, and Young Children’s Development in Myanmar


Graduated in March 2023

Name Title
三浦 広大 サイエンスプロセススキルズの観点に基づくザンビアのIntegrated Scienceシラバス・教科書の比較分析
YOU BUNTHA Relationship between Student Teachers’ Epistemological Beliefs and Teaching Practicum Performance
三舛 暁人 スペインにおける市民の間文化主義的態度とその教育的要因-バルセロナの事例から-
本 莉帆 ケニアの中等教育における包括的セクシュアリティ教育の課題と考察~教員養成課程の学生に着目して~
室橋 慎太郎 項目反応理論を用いたカンボジア前期中等教育段階における基礎的サイエンスプロセススキルズ評価テストの開発
CERRATO LOPEZ NERY FERNANDO Teachers’ Perspectives and Knowledge in Applying Disaster Risk Reduction Education Through Science Class: A Case Study of Rural Schools in Honduras
石塚 千夏 同等性教育が及ぼす人々へのエンパワーメント-効果と自尊心の関係に関するカンボジアの事例研究-
梁 宜静 Study on Effects of Perceived Parent-Child Discrepancies in Educational Expectations on Middle School Students’ Academic Achievement in China
酒井 ひかり ベナン共和国における芸術教育の課題と指導時間に影響を及ぼす要因
史 鹿含 The Relationship between Parents’ Education Anxiety and Students’ Test Anxiety: A Case Study in Chinese Junior High School
林田 勇太 A Case Study of Full-Time Academic Staff Perception Towards Service Quality in Mauritian Higher Education Institutions
長谷部 千紘 タイにおける母語を基礎とした多言語教育(MTB-MLE)に関する研究-山地民の言語・文化の保護に果たす役割を中心に-

(*)In April 2020, the International Education Development Program was newly established based on the Educational Development course in the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation. The above titles include the former courses.