The list of titles of master student’s thesis in 2023 Japanese Fiscal Year

The list of titles of master student’s thesis in 2023 Japanese Fiscal Year

Graduated in September 2023

Name Title
太田 洋舟 モルディブ共和国の「ムスリムネス」の創出に関する研究―青年期女子生徒のスポーツ・体育参加に着目して―
UNG SARART Identifying Scientific Attitude among Grade 12 Students in Cambodia
RUZINDANA ERIC Effectiveness of Digital Game-Based Learning in Autistic Children in Rwanda
PHOU SOPHAL Teachers’ Perceptions of Active Learning Approach and Their Practices in Social Studies Classes at Lower Secondary Schools in Battambang, Cambodia
PREAN SOPHEAK Pre-service Teachers’ Critical Thinking Disposition Barriers and Teaching Styles in Cambodia
ENDESHAW DAWIT BELETE Science Teachers’ Perception and Practice of Formative Assessment: A Case Study of Secondary School in Ethiopia
ABEBE NESIBU MENGISTU The Effect of Laboratory Activities on High School Students’ Achievement in “Electrochemistry”: A Case Study in Kechene Debre Selam General Secondary School
金 子禕 Study on Deep Learning through Problem Posing in Mathematics Education from Cognitive and Affective Aspects
ISLAM MD SHARIFUL Analysis for Development of Water Related Contents of Primary Science Textbooks of Bangladesh on the Basis of Problem Solving
ENG MEY EFL Student Teachers’ Learning during Teaching Practicum: Case Study at Regional Teacher Training Centers in Cambodia
GASHAYIJA EMMANUEL Teachers’ Perceptions on the implementation of Remedial Teaching Program in Primary Schools of Rwanda: A study in Gakenke District.
BUN PICHCHENDA Teacher Training in Inquiry-Based Learning in Social Studies in Cambodia
INTHAVONGSA SOUKSAMAY Classroom Strategies of Multigrade Teaching and Their Relationship with Student Achievement in Primary Schools in Lao PDR
NORHUEPHIALUANG SIATHIKHITH A Study of Utilizing University Professor’s International Study Experiences for Teaching at Home University in Laos
ISLAM MOHAMMAD SAIFUL Development of Mathematics Teaching-Learning Materials to Improve Primary Students’ Learning in Bangladesh
DY CHANPISITH Measuring Cambodian Teacher Educators’ Digital Competence
SAY SOKUNPHAROTH Community Participation in School Management Contributing to Promotion Rates in Primary School in Cambodia: A Case of Kampong Thom Province


Graduated in March 2024

Name Title
横山 穂佳 ウガンダ中等学校教員の責任意識に関する生活史的研究-体罰を手がかりに-
小田 侑佳 ウガンダの小学生における自然の中の水蒸気の認識に関する事例研究
白木 香帆 ペルー・アマゾン地域における異文化間二言語教育の意義―実施されたカリキュラムの観点から―
吉村 ひかり カンボジアにおける体育教員養成課程学生が体育教員を志望する動機に関する研究
海老名 和華 カンボジアにおける教員間の同僚性に関する研究―中等教育学校の体育教員に着目して―
馬 浩宇 Analysis of Future Choice Intention of Secondary Vocational Students: A Case Study of Secondary Vocational Students in Hebei, China
MOYO ESAU Investigating the Extent of Inquiry-Based Learning Practices in Developing Science Process Skills among Form 4 Students in Malawi
SICHIYANDA MUTINTA KABWE Investigating Zambian Grade 12 Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Stoichiometry: A Case of North-Western Province Selected Schools
佐藤 仁美 タイの人身取引被害者のその後-サバイバーが被害者に戻る訳-
大庭 フランシス光瑠 インドネシア地方都市住民の政治文化資源がもつ民意醸成への影響-非意図的な議論に着目して-
李 師釗 Exploring Training Quality in Full-Time Professional Master’s Degree in Education from Two Normal Colleges in China
麦爾維亜 熱夏提 The Effect of Screen-based Media on the Social Emotional Development of Upper Elementary Students in China
KWAJE SEBIT JOHN MARK The Development of a Framework for Assessing the Validity of Mathematics Papers: Focusing on its Application to CSE Examinations, South Sudan
佳山 萌 日本での学校生活が在日華僑・華人のアイデンティティ形成に与える影響
SOU SAMOEURN Study on Mathematical Creativity through Collaborative Problem-Solving at a Lower Secondary School in Cambodia
李 蒙鹿 中国の日本語教科書におけるカタカナ語の現状と変化に関する研究
岡本 万歩 障害理解教育による自己肯定感及び障害に対する態度の変化―ネパール連邦民主共和国ガンダキ・プラデーシュ州バグルン県ダウラギリろう学校を事例に―
AZAM MD AHMEDUL Professional Identity and Work Engagement of Teacher Educators in Bangladesh
HAAMBOKOMA STARNISLUS Mathematics Teachers’ Conceptions and Practices of Nurturing Reflective Learning in Selected Secondary Schools in Zambia

(*)In April 2020, the International Education Development Program was newly established based on the Educational Development course in the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation. The above titles include the former courses.