Associate Professor

  • oba[a]hiroshima-u.ac.jp
    *Please replace [a] with @ when sending e-mail.

Major Professional Backgrounds

Please refer to the following link for more research achievements. Jun Oba (hiroshima-u.ac.jp)

Research Areas and Themes

My main research interests are organization, management, governance, and staff issues of higher education institutions, including universities. My recent and current research projects include the effectiveness of an organization, leadership issues, governance issues (distribution of authorities and decision-making process, etc.), and relevant policies. In addition, I conduct comparative studies with European countries, particularly France, on a variety of issues related to higher education. 

Research Areas and Themes of the Students

They mainly focus on higher education institutions from a comparative perspective but can include various policy issues. 


The main research topics of the supervising students are as follows:
Master’s thesis = M
Doctoral dissertation = D

  • Consideration pertaining to the Uniform Introduction of Top-Down Style University Governance [M]

  • An Empirical Study of University Management and Presidential Leadership [M]

  • Empirical Research on the Impact of the Comprehensive Support Programme for Private University Reform on the Educational Activities in Private Universities [M]

  • A Study of the Relationship between a Public University Corporation and its Founding Authority : A Case Study of a Prefectural University  [M]

  • An Exploratory Research into Modeling of Higher Education Included in Community [M]

  • A Study on the Promotion of Translation of Business Documents in Universities: Using A University as an Example [M]

Message to Prospective Students

Please let me know if you are interested in higher education studies (in particular, institutional management and governance). Additionally, I accept consultations if you wish to work on a comparative project with French-speaking or Spanish-speaking countries.