The list of titles of master student’s thesis (educational development course, and cultural and regional studies course*) in 2015 Japanese Fiscal Year

The list of titles of master student’s thesis (educational development course, and cultural and regional studies course*) in 2015 Japanese Fiscal Year

Graduated in September 2015

Name Title
LY TONG Analysis of Cambodian High School Students’ Errors with Underlying Misconceptions in Quadratic Function Concepts Using Newman Error Analysis
HANG BUNKAI Khmer Achievement at Grade 4 in Rural Areas of Cambodia
HENG BORET Factors Affecting Dropout Rate in Primary Education in Rural Cambodia: Multilevel Analysis
IM RANY The Effectiveness of Problem-Solving Approach in Chemistry on Science Process skills of Upper Secondary School Students in Cambodia
TITIN SUTINAH School Choice in a Rural Context: A Case Study in Islamic and General Junior High Schools in Rakit District-Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java, Indonesia
GAN NIGEL JULIAN Travelling the Internet: Internet Self-Efficacy and Usage on Intercultural Sensitivity―Cases from Japanese Universities
馬 倩茹 中国西北部の回族社会における女性教育の現状と問題についての文化人類学的研究


Graduated in March 2016

Name Title
益子 聡 ザンビア数学教育カリキュラムの表現様式による分析法の開発—関数概念を事例にして—
江田 睦美 ナイジェリアにおける児童の就学状況とその影響要因の研究
SAMUDRA PRIHATIN HENDRA BASUKI Investigating Students’ Knowledge on Dengue Control in Primary Schools of Banjarnegara Regency in Central Java, Indonesia
NDIHOKUBWAYO KIZITO Research on Improvised Experiment Materials for Science Lesson in Rwanda
井出 翔太郎 インド、タミル・ナードゥ州におけるEnglish Medium School についての比較研究−社会的再生産理論との関連から-
嵇 元琦 Capability Acquirement through Vocational Education and Training in the Resettlement Area in China – A Case Study from Three Gorges Area – 
久保田 真悠 開発援助プロジェクトのスケールアップの課題―インドネシアの教育地方分権化プロジェクトを事例として―
HABIYAREMYE HASHITUKY TELESPHORE Analysis of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching in Rwanda Secondary Schools Focus on Algebraic Equation Concepts
趙 梓好 在日華僑のアイデンティティの形成と日本社会への適応過程に関する文化人類学的研究-長崎華僑社会の事例を中心として
SAHID Residents’ Perceptions and Attitudes toward Cultural Tourism: Focusing on Dreadlocks Kids Festival in Dieng Plateau Area of Central Java, Indonesia
五島 尚香 Comparative Analysis of Household Economy and Food Security in Acumau and Mertuto Villages, Timor-Leste


*In April 2020, the International Education Development Program was newly established based on the Educational Development course in the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation.