2019年度 修士論文 教育文化専攻*

2019年度 修士論文 教育文化専攻*


氏名 論文題目
薄田 孝誠 ザンビア中等学校教員の他者とのかかわりを通じた信念形成―エスノグラフィー的手法を手がかりに―
日上 奈央子 モンゴル国の小学校理科教科書の問いの傾向の分析
XAPHAKDY SENGALOUN The Perception of Stakeholders on the Effectiveness of Clinical Legal Education in Laos
HENG TOLA The Development of Biology Experiment for Improving Pre-Service Teachers’ Science Process Skills at Teacher Training Institutions in Cambodia
RASOANJANAHARY TANTELY NIRINA Factors Influencing Student’s Choice of University from the Perspective of Distance Education Learners-Case Study of the National Center of Distance Education in Madagascar
CHAU THI TIM Push-Pull Factors Influencing International Students to Study in Vietnamese Higher Education
TIN NU NU WAI A Study on the Effect of Play-based Curriculum on Cognitive and Non-cognitive Abilities of Kindergarten Children in Myanmar
DUANGPILA INTHA Exploring the Implementation of Clinical Legal Education (CLE): A Case Study of National University of Laos
趙 婷婷 在日中国人青年のアイデンティティ形成のプロセスに関する考察―教育と文化的背景を中心に
HUN RAVY The Effect of Cambodian Teacher Educators’ ICT Competence on Attitudes towards the Use of ICT in Education
胡 芸蕾 The Effects of Family Features on Academic and Social-emotional Development of Primary School Children: A Case Study of Left-behind Children in Shennongjia, China
MI TOE TOE AUNG Tensions between Teacher Educators’ Beliefs in English Grammar Teaching and Classroom Practices: Cases of Education Colleges in Myanmar
MEAS SOTH Challenges in the Transition to Communicative Language Teaching Approach: English Language Teachers’ Understandings, Attitudes, and Teaching Practices in Cambodian Lower Secondary Education
PHAL LINDA The Challenge of Classroom Management in Lower Secondary School: The Case Study of
Takeo Province, Cambodia
韋 靚 Cooperating Teachers’ Mentoring during Teaching Practicum at Primary Schools in China
SISAVATH SOUBIN A Study of Factors Influencing Lao University Student Participation in Student Exchange Programs
SENG SOVATH Quality of Outstanding Primary School Principals in Cambodia: Awarding System and Life Stories
TITIK ULFATUN Teacher Certification and Competency: A Study of Vocational Senior Secondary School Teacher in Purworejo District, Indonesia
POV SOKUNRITH Factors Influencing Dropout at Lower Secondary Schools in Rural Cambodia
SOK SARAN Practice and Challenges of Teaching Practicum at Phnom Penh Teacher Education College, Cambodia
CHEA SOTH Analyzing Cambodian Students’ Conceptions Underlying Errors in Algebra: Focus on Algebraic Expressions and Linear Equations with One Unknown
NGUYEN THI NGOC LIEN Professional Development toward Internationalization of Higher Education: Perspectives of Administrators at Can Tho University
FRIELIA DWI ANDRIANI Multiculturalism, Counter-terrorism, and Muslim Communities in Japan



氏名 論文題目
北 瑠依子 カンボジアにおけるノンフォーマル教育―バッタンバン州の同等プログラム(Equivalency program)を中心に―
永田 貴一 A Study on Student’s Understanding of Integer in Secondary School in case of Mozambique -Focusing on Number Line-
矢野 昌義 ルワンダにおけるCBCを基盤とした初等教員養成制度改革に関する研究―理数科初等教師教育者の認識に着目して―
CISS MAMADOU Teacher Motivation and Students’ Academic Performance in Lower and Upper Secondary Education in Senegal
A Case Study of the Department of Dakar and Fatick
MORAI MAMOTJOKA JOYCE Strategies for the Deaf or Hard of Hearing Learners to Learn English Writing Composition Skills in Schools for the Deaf in Lesotho
許 加萍 反転語に関する研究-新聞記事を対象として-
青木 麻由 スウェーデンの数学教育における意図されたカリキュラムの研究―社会的価値の一つである社会参画に着目して―
植村 兼三 インド西ベンガル州におけるストリートチルドレンのNGO参加に関する意思に影響を与える要因―NJP駅周辺の家族と同居するストリートチルドレンに着目して―
張 淼 中国における日本製マンガ・アニメの受容と翻訳に関する研究-マンガ『ドラえもん』を事例に-
何 菁菁 Basic Research on Hong Kong Citizens’ Sense of Identity as Chinese
UKWIZAGIRA EMMANUEL School Principals’ Roles toward Teaching and Learning in Rwanda: Practices and Challenges in Four Basic Education Schools
吉積 侑莉 ブータン初等教育における保健体育科教育に関する研究―授業実践をめぐる関係者の認識―
MSUKWA LEAH ANGANIRE BURNETT Influence of an In-Service Training Program on Teachers’ Knowledge and Students’ Use of Science Process Skills: The Case of Some Selected Secondary Schools in Lilongwe District, Malawi
SINABAJIJE ALPHONSE Effects of Headmasters’ Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles on Teachers’ Job Satisfaction: A Case of Primary Schools in Nyamasheke District in Rwanda
DIOP MOUSSA Instructional Programs and Service Delivery for Students with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities in Senegal
NIYITEGEKA DROCELLE Primary School Teacher’s Understanding and Self-Efficacy towards Implementation of Inquiry-Based Instruction in Primary Science Curriculum: Case of Kigali City-Rwanda
HABIMANA JEAN CLAUDE Effectiveness of Utilizing GeoGebra Software to Teach Trigonometry in Rwanda Secondary Schools
野中 くるみ 現代ネパールにおける「ジャート」とその境界線に関する考察―「タマンの村」の事例から
CHIA SYLVARIUS ALANDO The Refugee Regime and Identity Negotiation: Emerging Phenomenon of Cameroonian Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Japan
ARNANCA GRACIO ALVARO The Role of Local Knowledge in Vegetable Value Chain Development in Rural Mozambique: The Case of the Farmers in Moamba District

