The list of titles of doctor student’s dissertation (educational development course, and cultural and regional studies course*) in 2014 Japanese Fiscal Year

The list of titles of doctor student’s dissertation (educational development course, and cultural and regional studies course*) in 2014 Japanese Fiscal Year

Graduated in September 2014

Name Title
SURENJAV OYUNZUL 日本語とモンゴル語における身体語彙慣用句の対照研究―「目」を含む慣用句を中心に―
李 賢正 日本語と韓国語における新語の対照研究:混種語における外来要素を中心に
謝 冬 中国語を母語とする日本語学習者向けの複合格助詞に関する教材開発―日本語教育文法からの一提案―
SHRESTHA SUMAN LAL Climate Change Resilience and Vulnerability of Farmers in Nepal
関 承 中国語母語話者における日本語自・他動詞の習得研究―中国語で可能標識が使われる表現を中心に―
TUSWADI Disaster Management and Prevention Education for Volcanic Eruption: A Case of Merapi Area Primary Schools in Java Island, Indonesia
SIDDIQUEE MUHAMMAD NUR-E-ALAM Exploring Beliefs on Teaching-Learning and Actual Practices: A Case of Secondary School Science Teachers in Bangladesh

Graduated in March 2015

Name Title
林 仙雅 日本語の連体格助詞 「の」 と韓国語の冠形格助詞「의 (ui)」の対照研究
BEGUM MOMOTAJ Negotiation for Extended Gender Roles in Islam: Women in Tablighi Jamaat in Bangladesh
高阪 将人 理科と数学を関連付けるカリキュラム構成原理に関する研究-ザンビア共和国中等理数科教育の事例を通して-

*In April 2020, the International Education Development Program was newly established based on the Educational Development course in the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation.