【2025年4月着任予定】WANG Tingjia

- 職位:准教授
- 学位:Ph.D. (Linguistics), The University of Sydney
- Hiroshima University Writing Center, Assistant Professor (2020-2024)
- Hiroshima University, Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS), Research Fellow (2023-present)
- Macquarie University, School of Education, Sessional Academic (Language and Literacies) (2020)
- The University of Sydney, Department of Linguistics, Sessional Academic (Structure of Language) (2020)
- Western Sydney University, School of Education, Research Associate & Sessional Academic (Primary English and Literacy 2) (2020)
- Australian Catholic University, School of Education, Sessional Academic (Linguistics for Literacy) (2019)
- The University of Sydney, School of Education and Social Work & Sydney Business School, Research Assistant (Curriculum Assessment) (2017-2019)
主な研究領域・テーマ:Multimodal Literacies, Technology-enhanced Education, Climate Change Education, Genre-based Pedagogy, Curriculum Development, Global Citizenship Education
- Multimodal Literacies, Multimodality, Social Semiotics
- Technology-enhanced Education
- Climate Change Education, Environmental Education
- Genre-based Pedagogy
- Systemic Functional Linguistics, Positive Discourse Analysis
My research expertise is consistently informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) and the SFL-informed Social Semiotics. I am trained by the globally recognized SFL linguist J.R. Martin at Usyd. I use the qualitative approach known as Systemic Functional – Multimodal Discourse Analysis (SF-MDA) approach to examine a wide range of discourses and to inform the development of curriculums, lesson plans, materials, and teachers’ metalanguage toolkits for a variety of subjects. I am working at the interdisciplinary field across Linguistics, Multimodality and Teacher Education. Among my research themes, Multimodality/Social Semiotics and Systemic Functional Linguistics are my methodological backgrounds; Genre-based Pedagogy, Technology-enhanced Education and Climate Change Education are the key empirical areas in the broader landscape of Education that my research has been significantly informing. I am particularly interested in the development of curriculums, materials, and metalanguage toolkits for pre-service and in-service teachers to embrace emergent topics such as climate change, resilience, and AI-enhanced teaching and learning in literacy practices and to develop both teachers’ and students’ multimodal literacies and digital literacies on all levels of education.
My supervision scope includes:
- Multimodal Literacies, Multimodality, Social Semiotics
- Multimodal Discourse Analysis of both still and moving images (e.g., posters, comics, picture books, children’s literature, films, videos, webpages, etc.);
- Social Semiotics theory
- Technology-enhanced Education
- AI/AR/VR/other emergent technologies-enhanced teaching and learning;
- Digital Pedagogy and Digital Literacies;
- Viewing an AI/AR/VR text as a social semiotic discourse
- Climate Change Education, Environmental Education
- Film/eco-documentary-mediated climate change education (curriculum development, curriculum assessment, metalanguage toolkits development);
- Visual activism for climate change advocacy;
- Effective climate change communication
- Genre-based Pedagogy
- Teaching and Learning Cycle (lesson development);
- Reading-to-Learn Approach (curriculum development);
- TPACK framework (teacher assessment);
- Genre-based Pedagogy for TEFL/TESOL
- Systemic Functional Linguistics, Positive Discourse Analysis
- Discourse Analysis (Transitivity Analysis, Appraisal Analysis, Thematic Analysis, Content Analysis);
- SFL Discourse Semantics, Register and Genre theory;
- Positive Discourse Analysis (following J.R. Martin)
I am looking forward to meeting passionate social semioticians, linguists, teachers, and teacher educators in the International Education Development Program (IEDP). This Program is a fantastic arena for interdisciplinary research and communications. I received enormous training and supports from my linguist supervisors and a rewarding experience as a student. I am now looking forward to working with you and passing the legacy of SFL and Social Semiotics to you.
Check out my role on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Q2 Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jarhe
Check out my role on the Committee Board of International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) and the Conference Program Chair of the IWCA 2024 “Technology-enhanced Writing”: https://writingcenters.org/events/2024-iwca-annual-conference/