KIM Yangson

- 職位:准教授
- 学位:Ph.D (Education) Seoul National University
- University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Visiting Researcher (2013 – 2014)
- ソウル大学, 教育研究所, 研究員(2015 – 2016)
- 韓国大学教育協議会, 高等教育研究所, 首席研究員(2016 – 2017)
研究実績等については以下をご参照ください。 Yangson KIM (大学院人間社会科学研究科) (
主な研究領域・テーマ:Academic profession, Internationalization of higher education, Higher education in the knowledge society
My research area mainly focuses on higher education. There are three research themes on which I am conducting research projects. First, I explore how to make academia more dynamic and inclusive with minor groups of females, juniors, or international members in Japan and Korea related to the academic profession. I also collaborate with international colleagues to investigate similarities and differences among academics in countries other than Japan and Korea. Under this theme, academic activities and careers are the main topics with comparative perspectives. Second, the internationalization of higher education covers diverse issues and trends. International mobilities, strategies, and internationalization policies are explored using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Third, knowledge production and distribution are the main topics under the theme of higher education in the knowledge society. The research focuses on which kind of knowledge has been produced in universities and how it has been distributed and contributed to the community.
The topics on which I could provide supervision are as follows:
- Academic profession:
Academic activities, academic identity, career development, faculty development (FD), diversified academic roles, diverse academic (female, junior, international)
- Internationalization of higher education:
Comparative studies in higher education, student and faculty mobilities, higher education system and policy, university governance, ranking system
Higher education in the knowledge society
knowledge production and distribution, university ranking, role and function of university
- 中国人大学生の来華アフリカ系留学生に対する偏見の形成要因に関する研究 A study on the factors that form the prejudice of Chinese students toward African international students
- 日本の大学における留学生の学習-学習観の変容に着目して International students’ Learning in Japan University- Focus on the Change of Learning Conception-
- 米国の高等教育におけるアスリート学業管理制度についての研究
- 日本における留学生の就職活動の成功要因に関する研究-修士課程の中国人留学生を主対象として- Research on success factors of the job searching of foreign students in Japan – mainly targeting the Chinese foreign student of the master’s course
- 中国における独立学院の展開と将来:その教育効果の実証分析 The Development and Future of Independent Colleges in China: An Empirical Analysis of Its Educational Effects
The International Education Development (IED) Program is a great opportunity to develop academic competencies and understand practical applications related to international education development. Please do not hesitate to join the program if you want to be an expert.